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Le maternage et les opioïdes: S’attaquer à la stigmatisation — Agir en collaboration (Trousse À Outils)
Les domaines de la consommation de substances et des services de protection de l’enfance connaissent un grand nombre de changements, en vue de mettre…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's HealthFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Determinants of health, Stigma reduction, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources
Community Plans to Prevent and Reduce Opioid-Related Harms
A summary of a scoping review, which aimed to characterize the key components of opioid-related plans.
Source : Public Health Ontario (PHO)Format: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Harm reduction, Other approaches, Substance-specific resources
Interactive Opioid Tool: Opioid-Related Morbidity and Mortality in Ontario
The Interactive Opioid Tool allows users to explore the most recent opioid-related morbidity and mortality data including emergency department visits…
Source : Public Health Ontario (PHO)Format: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Provincial/Territorial and local data, Substance-specific resources
A Framework for Action: Responding to the Overdose/Opioid Public Health Emergency for First Nations
A Framework for Action: Responding to the Overdose/Opioid Public Health Emergency for First Nations captures a system-wide response to slow and stop …
Source : First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Naloxone, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources
Heroin Compassion Clubs: A Cooperative Model to Reduce Opioid Overdose Deaths & Disrupt Organized Crime's Role in Fentanyl, Money Laundering & Housing Unaffordability
The causal relationship between drug prohibition and transnational organized crime’s growth is well known and has been clearly articulated, while all…
Source : British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: PDF
Published: 2018
Topics: Harm reduction, Other approaches, Substance-specific resources
Integrating Culture into Opioid-Related Harm Reduction Programs
This webinar, "Integrating Culture into Opioid-Related Harm Reduction Programs," was hosted by Shkaabe Makwa as the final webinar in the Âciwina Mâyi…
Source : Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Shkaabe MakwaFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Other approaches, Determinants of health, Indigenous cultural safety, Population-specific resources
Nurturing Circles of Care
Stigma impacts all aspects of treatment for people living with opioid use disorder*. This animated video was created to explore the compounding effe…
Source : Subject Matter Health Research LabFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2022
Topics: Determinants of health, Stigma reduction

Pratique tenant compte des traumatismes et la crise des opioïdes : Guide de discussion à l’intention des prestataires de soins de santé et de services sociaux
La présente ressource s’emploie à traiter de l’un des aspects de la crise des opioïdes au Canada. Des études ont montré que la grande majorité des pe…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's HealthFormat: PDF
Published: 2018
Topics: Determinants of health, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses, Substance-specific resources
Lignes directrices cliniques nationales pour le traitement par agonistes opioïdes injectables du trouble lié à l’usage d’opioïdes
Nous recommandons dans les présentes lignes directrices que le TAOi soit envisagé pour les personnes qui ont un trouble lié à l’utilisation d’opioïd…
Source : Initiative canadienne de recherche en abus de substance (ICRAS)Format: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Equity centered approaches, Best practices and guidelines, Substance-specific resources
How has COVID-19 Affected People Who Use Substances?
Illegal drugs have become increasingly toxic and highly unpredictable during the COVID-19 pandemic. Toxic street drugs – combined with the unintended…
Source : First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2020
Topics: COVID-19 resources, Substance-specific resources