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Engaging Law Enforcement in Harm Reduction Programs for People Who Inject Drugs
A grey literature search was conducted to determine best practices in engaging law enforcement agencies in harm reduction programs for people who inj…
Source : The Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)Format: PDF
Published: 2016
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Implementing a public health approach to substance use
A Practical Guide to Support Public Health Management and Intervention in Case of Reports and Episodes of Drug Overdoses
Given the increase in the number of overdoses and of episodes of excess overdoses, it is clear that we are facing the emergence of a real public heal…
Source : Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Best practices and implementation

Uncovering Substance Use-Related Stigma for Police Service Members and their Families
When you speak openly about stigma and substance use, when you encourage a compassionate approach to people's substance use health, when Person-First…
Source : CAPSAFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Determinants of health, Stigma reduction, Best practices and implementation
Plan d’action : Prévenir les méfaits liés à la consommation de substances chez les jeunes par une approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire
Le Plan d’action donne aux communautés scolaires des conseils qui les aideront à réfléchir différemment quant à la consommation de substances chez…
Source : Agence de la santé publique du CanadaFormat: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Upstream interventions, Harm reduction, Other approaches, Equity centered approaches

Québec Guide to Improving Practices in the Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
The Québec Guide to Improving Practices in the Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a publication of the Institut universitaire sur les dépenda…
Source : Équipe de soutien clinique et organisationnel en dépendance et itinérance (ESCODI), Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (IUD)Format: Link
Published: 2020
Topics: Best practices and guidelines, Best practices and implementation, Treatment and harm reduction

The Human Rights of and Demands from People who Use Drugs
INPUD’s Consensus Statement collates a declaration of rights of people who use drugs. The Consensus Statement builds on established and recognised hu…
Source : International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD)Format: PDF
Published: 2015
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Best practices and engagement toolkits, Best practices and implementation
Implementation Contexts and the Impact of Policing on Access to Supervised Consumption Services in Toronto, Canada: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Academic article
Supervised consumption services (SCS) are being implemented across Canada in response to a variety of drug-related harms. This study explored the imp…
Source : Harm Reduction JournalFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Supervised consumption sites, Harm reduction
Cannabis and Older Adults Clinician Toolkit
This toolkit was created by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health to assist clinicians in identifying the appropriateness of medical cann…
Source : Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health (CCSMH)Format: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Best practices and guidelines, Population-specific resources, Substance-specific resources

Whole-Person Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit – Part 1
This toolkit provides a framework for supporting recovery and housing stability. Part 1 of the toolkit features an introduction to topics including:…
Source : Homeless Learning HubFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Determinants of health, Housing, Best practices and implementation

Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health approach
The Blueprint for Action provides guidance for school communities to help support thinking differently about youth substance use and to inform…
Source : Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)Format: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Upstream interventions, Challenging structural stigma, Other approaches, Equity centered approaches