Sure - Canadian Substance Use Resource and Knowledge Exchange Centre

CPHA presented a webinar on 20 January 2021 entitled 'Gender-Informed Virtual Interventions Addressing Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence'. This webinar described technology-based approaches in substance use prevention and health promotion. It included information on how technology-based interventions can address sex, gender, and intersectional equity considerations. This webinar drew upon a scoping review on sex, gender, and substance use as well as a rapid review on interventions for intimate partner violence and substance use in the COVID-19 pandemic, both undertaken by the Centre of Excellence for Women's Health. This webinar offered ideas for how service providers, researchers, and policymakers can act on incorporating gender equity as a method for improving health outcomes. 

Nancy Poole, PhD, is the Director of the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health and the lead on a number of research and knowledge translation projects related to alcohol, other substance use, trauma informed approaches and Indigenous wellness. Nancy’s doctorate was on the topic of using virtual communities to bring multisectoral participants together to discuss and plan action on ‘wicked problems’. 
Julie Stinson, MA, is the Researcher and Knowledge Exchange Coordinator at the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health.  Julie is responsible for assisting with research projects related to sex, gender, and substance use. She also manages the Centre’s online presence through the website, social media, and other knowledge exchange opportunities.
Lindsay Wolfson, MPH, is the Manager at the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health. Lindsay is responsible for research and collaboration on projects relating to Indigenous health and wellness, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder prevention, and the integration of gender, trauma, culture, and equity-informed approaches into policy, research, and practice.