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Vicarious Trauma Fact Sheet
Fact sheet/infographic
Vicarious trauma can gradually impact a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing as a result of exposure to other people’s trauma…
Source : Thunderbird Partnership FoundationFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Determinants of health, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses, Population-specific resources
Splitting and Sharing Inside an OPS/SCS: Protocol Template
Splitting and sharing inside an OPS/SCS prevents harms related to splitting and sharing outside of an OPS/SCS. Failure to allow splitting and sharing…
Source : Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs (CAPUD)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Supervised consumption sites
Implementation of Safe Supply Alternatives During Intersecting COVID-19 and Overdose Health Emergencies in British Columbia, Canada, 2021
Academic article
This paper explores the implementation and effectiveness of the British Columbia, Canada, risk mitigation guidelines among people who use drugs, focu…
Source : American Journal of Public Health (AJPH)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Safe supply
Reflections on the State of the Overdose Crisis for Overdose Awareness Day 2021: PEEP Statement
PEEP (Professionals for Ethical Engagement of Peers) is a BC-wide multi-regional based committee of professional consultants with past or present sub…
Source : Toward the HeartFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Stories and perspectives, Health promotion, Substance use policy
Benefits of Stimulants
In Canada, drug discussions are often centred around how using drugs from the illegal market is dangerous. However, there is much evidence to suggest…
Source : StimulusFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction
Sex Workers Who Use Drugs: Briefing Paper
Background document
This joint briefing paper highlights the specific needs and rights of sex workers who use drugs, as a community that spans two key populations. This …
Source : International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD), Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP)Format: PDF
Published: 2015
Topics: Determinants of health, Stigma reduction, Health promotion, Substance use policy
On October 20th, Stimulus held a webinar to launch an educational animation about spotting – an overdose prevention method done by phone or video cal…
Source : StimulusFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction
Cannabis in Context: the Sensible Cannabis Education Toolkit Series
This resource is broken into three separate booklets. The content draws directly from CSSDP’s Sensible Cannabis Education Toolkit, originally publish…
Source : Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction, Population-specific resources, Substance-specific resources
A low-barrier, flexible safe supply program to prevent deaths from overdose
Academic article
Between January 2016 and June 2021, 24 626 people died from opioid toxicity in Canada. A key driver of this ongoing public health crisis has been the…
Source : Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)Format: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Safe supply
Stories of Stigma
Stories of Stigma is a three-part video series co-created with patient partners featuring the stories and voices of three people with mental health a…
Source : BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Determinants of health, Stigma and stigma reduction, Stories and perspectives