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Promising Policies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms
Background document
This document offers a summary of impactful alcohol-related initiatives and policies chosen based on specific criteria. These criteria include: Bei…
Source : Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ), Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance use policy, Substance-specific resources
PHO Rounds: Regional Harm Reduction Snapshots in Ontario and the Impact of COVID-19
A 2022-2023 Public Health Ontario (PHO) Locally Driven Collaborative Projects (LDCP) team, is pleased to present the Harm Reduction and Opioid Harms …
Source : Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN), Public Health Ontario (PHO)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2023
Topics: Harm reduction, COVID-19 resources
A Public Health Approach to Substance Use Framework
CPHA has been funded through Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) for a project titled “Normalizing Conversations: Engaging pu…
Source : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Implementing a public health approach to substance use
Parler aux professionnel.les de la santé: Un guide pour les jeunes au Canada
Guide, Fact sheet/infographic
En 2023, l'ACSP et le CSSDP se sont associés pour créer cet outil à l'usage des jeunes consommateurs de drogues (YPWUD) lors de leurs interactions av…
Source : É Canadien.nes pour les Politiques Éclairées sur les Substances Psychoactives, Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Population-specific resources, Challenging structural stigma
Virtual reality overdose response training
Online learning module
The CAMH Simulation Centre delivers a learning experience to help health care providers and the public identify an opioid overdose and administer lif…
Source : Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)Format: Link
Published: 2024
Topics: Harm reduction
Organizational Assessment Tool for Substance Use and Stigma
This tool was developed in partnership with CAPSA to help organizations identify policies, along with environmental and cultural factors that contrib…
Source : CAPSA, Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Challenging structural stigma, Determinants of health
Conversations of Substance with Dr. Peter Cornish
This podcast episode is with Dr. Peter Cornish, an Honorary Research Professor at Memorial University in Newfoundland. He’s also the Co-Director of S…
Source : CAPSAFormat: Audio
Published: 2023
Topics: Spectrum of substance use, Implementing a public health approach to substance use
Rapport sur ce que nous avons entendu: Des interactions à améliorer entre les prestataires de soins de santé et les jeunes
Le rapport présente les constats d’une initiative de concertation dirigée par les pairs qui vise à étudier la relation entre les prestataires de soin…
Source : É Canadien.nes pour les Politiques Éclairées sur les Substances Psychoactives, Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: PDF
Published: 2024
Topics: Best practices and engagement toolkits
What We Heard: Improving Healthcare Provider Interactions with Young People (who may or may not use drugs)
This report presents findings from a peer-led engagement initiative focused on examining the relationship between healthcare providers and young peop…
Source : Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP), Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2024
Topics: Best practices and engagement toolkits
Les opioïdes et la douleur chez les jeunes : Trousse d’outils
Cette trousse d’outils, qui est le fruit des efforts de SKIP et de ses partenaires dresse le résumé des données probantes et des ressources déjà conn…
Source : Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP)Format: PDF
Published: 2024
Topics: Best practices and guidelines, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources, Pain management