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Youth Voices on Treatment in the Shadow of the Overdose Crisis
The overdose crisis in British Columbia is having devastating effects on youth and their loved ones. Since an official public health emergency w…
Source : British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Population-specific resources, Best practices and implementation, Best practices and engagement toolkits
Trousse d’outils de communication pour les employeurs d’hommes qui exercent des métiers
Les employeurs d'hommes qui exercent des métiers peuvent se servir de la trousse d'outils pour parler de consommation de substances et de dépendance…
Source : Santé CanadaFormat: Link
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Population-specific resources
What We Heard: Knowledge Exchange Series on Safer Supply
Safer supply is a relatively new intervention aimed at addressing the overdose crisis, and research is underway to evaluate and understand the effect…
Source : Health CanadaFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Safe supply
Guide sur une démarche de santé publique à l'égard de l'usage de substances
Dans le cadre du projet Des conversations à normaliser lancé en 2020, le Centre of Excellence for Women's Health et l'Association canadienne de santé…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Implementing a public health approach to substance use
Conversations of Substance with Guest Dr. Kim Corace, Ph.D.
The Conversations of Substance podcast series asks difficult questions and suggests multiple answers to complex issues around people’s health with re…
Source : CAPSAFormat: Audio
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Treatment and harm reduction
Points of Perspective: Research Report on the Federal Prison Needle Exchange Program in Canada
Despite ample empirical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of needle and syringe programs, the federal Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) ref…
Source : HIV Legal NetworkFormat: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Legalization and policy approaches, Substance use policy, Harm reduction, Harm reduction supplies, Population-specific resources
National Drug Alert System -Dashboard
Created through the St. John Ambulance Accidental Drug Poisoning Crisis – Community of Practice (ADPC-CoP) program, this nation-wide Drug Alert Syste…
Source : St. John Ambulance: Accidental Drug Poisoning CoPFormat: Link
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Drug checking services
La prévention des surdoses, l'affaire de toutes et de tous!
Online learning module
Formation sur la stigmatisation, les opioïdes, la polyintoxication et les surdoses Le Canada fait face à une crise de surdoses d’opioïdes qui s’est…
Source : Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)Format: Link
Published: 2023
Topics: Challenging structural stigma, Harm reduction
Involuntary Treatment: Criminalization by Another Name
Background document
This position paper is endorsed by organizations and individuals who call for the abolition of involuntary treatment, including opposition to the pas…
Source : Pivot Legal SocietyFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Treatment and harm reduction, Substance use policy
A Review of Supervised Inhalation Services in Canada
Academic article
This Rapid Response Review answers the questions: "What supervised inhalation services are available in Canada and what are their characteristics? Wh…
Source : The Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)Format: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Supervised consumption sites, Health promotion, National data