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Appendix: A Public Health Approach to Substance Use Survey of Public Health, Public Safety, Health and Social Service Professionals
This appendix includes survey questions included in CPHA’s national survey of public health, public safety, and health and social service professiona…
Source : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), Normalizing Conversations Project TeamFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Data collection tools

Final Report: Survey of Public Health, Public Safety, Health and Social Service Professionals on a Public Health Approach to Substance Use
As part of the Normalizing Conversations project launched in 2020, the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) conducted a survey of public health,…
Source : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), Normalizing Conversations Project TeamFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Implementing a public health approach to substance use, Best practices and implementation

Sedatives (Canadian Drug Summary)
This report summarizes data on the prescription and non-medical use of sedatives, including information on the effects, associated harms, and availab…
Source : Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)Format: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Sédatifs (Sommaire canadien sur la drogue)
Résume les données sur la prescription et l’usage non médical de sédatifs, notamment sur les effets, les méfaits connexes et la disponibilité. Depuis…
Source : Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l'usage de substancesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Canadian Guidelines on Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Disorder Among Older Adults
The Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health (CCSMH) received a grant from the Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) of Health Canada to cr…
Source : Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health (CCSMH)Format: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Equity centered approaches, Best practices and guidelines, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources
Lignes directrices canadiennes sur le trouble lié à l’utilisation des agonistes des récepteurs des benzodiazépines chez les personnes âgées
La Coalition canadienne pour la santé mentale des personnes âgées (CCSMPA) a reçu une subvention du Programme sur l’usage et les dépendances aux subs…
Source : Coalition canadienne pour la santé mentales des personnes âgéesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Equity centered approaches, Best practices and guidelines, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources