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Patient characteristics associated with being offered take home naloxone in a busy, urban emergency department: a retrospective chart review
Academic article
Overdose deaths can be prevented by distributing take home naloxone (THN) kits. The emergency department (ED) is an opportune setting for overdose pr…
Source : BMC Health Services ResearchFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Harm reduction, Naloxone
Supporting People Who Use Substances Best Practices for Toolkit
As a component of the Substance Use Capacity Building Project, SafeLink Alberta has developed The Best Practices for Supporting People Who Use Substa…
Source : SafeLink AlbertaFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Best practices and guidelines

Drug use, homelessness and health: responding to the opioid overdose crisis with housing and harm reduction services
Academic article
Canada is in the midst of an opioid overdose crisis and Alberta has one of the highest opioid use rates across the country. Populations made vulnerab…
Source : Harm Reduction JournalFormat: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Housing, Substance-specific resources
Supporting the full participation of people who use drugs in policy fora: Provision of a temporary, conference-based overdose prevention site
Academic article
The overdose epidemic in North America remains acute and interventions are needed to mitigate harm and prevent death. People who use/d drugs (PWUD) h…
Source : International Journal of Drug PolicyFormat: PDF
Published: 2020
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Best practices and engagement toolkits
Harm Reduction: Spectrum of Substance Use
Fact sheet/infographic
Substance use can be viewed on a spectrum. Understanding where a person is on this spectrum is important for meeting people where they are at, and pr…
Source : Alberta Health ServicesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Legalization and policy approaches, Spectrum of substance use
Engaging Individuals with Lived Experience: A Framework
The framework outlined here is designed to support leaders, physicians, health care providers and teams to create the necessary conditions, readiness…
Source : Alberta Health ServicesFormat: PDF
Published: 2018
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Best practices and engagement toolkits
Alberta Substance Use Surveillance System
Tracking substance use data helps the government better understand the addiction challenges in Alberta and make informed, strategic decisions about h…
Source : Government of AlbertaFormat: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Provincial/Territorial and local data
TRACE V is the continuation of the Teens Report on Adolescent Cannabis Experiences (TRACE) a qualitative research program that began in 2006. This st…
Source : University of British Columbia (UBC), University of CalgaryFormat: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Harm reduction, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources

Harm Reduction: Recovery-Oriented Care
Fact sheet/infographic
A recovery-oriented approach uses strategies to empower people to use their strengths and skills to help them lead the life that they choose when exp…
Source : Alberta Health ServicesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Equity centered approaches, Recovery and resilience
Harm Reduction: Low-Threshold Services
Fact sheet/infographic
Low-threshold service models mean making minimal demands on the person, and reducing or removing barriers for people to access care. This means being…
Source : Alberta Health ServicesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: Harm reduction, Determinants of health