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Bulletin du RCCET : usage de stimulants et ses méfaits au Canada et aux États-Unis : état des lieux
Ce bulletin résume la plus récente information sur l’usage de stimulants et ses méfaits au Canada et aux États-Unis. S’inspirant du bulletin de 2019,…
Source : Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l'usage de substancesFormat: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Consommation de méthamphétamine et approches tenant compte du sexe et du genre
Utilisez ces ressources au sein du personnel pour réfléchir à ce qui se fait déjà et aux changements qui peuvent être apportés pour mieux servir les…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's HealthFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses
Fiches d'information sur l'utilisation de substances à moindres risques
Fact sheet/infographic
La série de fiches d'information sur l'utilisation de substances à moindre risque a été élaborée pour aider les prestataires de services à aider les …
Source : CATIEFormat: Link
Published: 2023
Topics: Harm reduction, Harm reduction supplies
Crystal Meth: Developing Respectful Approaches and Solutions for Indigenous Health
This webinar, hosted by the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) and the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases…
Source : National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2019
Topics: Determinants of health, Indigenous cultural safety, Harm reduction, Other approaches, Substance-specific resources, Population-specific resources
Cocaine (Canadian Drug Summary)
This report summarizes data on the use of cocaine, including the harms and effects, legal status, and access to treatment. While the percentage of co…
Source : Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)Format: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Methamphetamine Webinar Series - Part 2: Working With and Supporting People Who Use Methamphetamine
The purpose of this webinar is to learn the signs of overdose and how to respond, examine behaviours associated with methamphetamine use and strategi…
Source : Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Link
Published: 2018
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Best practices and engagement toolkits, Substance-specific resources
Evidence-based approaches to methamphetamine treatment : A conversation starter for substance use service providers
Use these resources among staff to brainstorm what is already being done and what changes can be made to better serve people seeking treatment for me…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (CEWH)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Treatment and harm reduction, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses
Safer Substance Use Fact Sheets
Fact sheet/infographic
The safer substance use fact sheet series was developed to help service providers support people who use drugs to prepare and use their drugs as safe…
Source : CATIEFormat: Link
Published: 2023
Topics: Harm reduction, Harm reduction supplies