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Cocaïne (Sommaire canadien sur la drogue)
Résume les données sur l’usage de cocaïne, notamment sur les méfaits et les effets, le statut juridique et l’accès au traitement. Si le taux d’usage …
Source : Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l'usage de substancesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Methamphetamine (Canadian Drug Summary)
This report summarizes data on the use of methamphetamine, including the harms and effects, legal status, hospitalization and access to treatment. Th…
Source : Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)Format: PDF
Published: 2020
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Ecstasy ou molly (MDMA) (Sommaire canadien sur la drogue)
Résume la recherche faite sur la consommation de MDMA (appelée ecstasy ou molly dans la rue), produit chimique de synthèse consommé à des fins récréa…
Source : Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l'usage de substancesFormat: PDF
Published: 2017
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Methamphetamine use & sex and gender informed approaches
Use these resources among staff to brainstorm what is already being done and what changes can be made to better serve people seeking treatment for me…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (CEWH)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses

Approches fondées sur des données probantes pour traiter la dépendance à la méthamphétamine
Utilisez ces ressources au sein du personnel pour réfléchir à ce qui se fait déjà et aux changements qui peuvent être apportés pour mieux servir les …
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's HealthFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Treatment and harm reduction, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses

Methamphetamine use & trauma informed approaches
Use these resources among staff to brainstorm what is already being done and what changes can be made to better serve people seeking treatment for me…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (CEWH)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Trauma - and violence - informed approaches and gender-informed responses

Opioid- and Stimulant-Related Harms in Canada
The COVID-19 outbreak is worsening the already deadly and ongoing public health crisis of opioid overdoses and death. It is having a tragic impact on…
Source : Government of CanadaFormat: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources
Final Report: Survey of Public Health, Public Safety, Health and Social Service Professionals on a Public Health Approach to Substance Use
As part of the Normalizing Conversations project launched in 2020, the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) conducted a survey of public health,…
Source : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), Normalizing Conversations Project TeamFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Implementing a public health approach to substance use, Best practices and implementation

Harm Reduction Equipment Best Practices - Part 1: Crack Smoking Supplies and Best Practices
Learn about the equipment being distributed through the Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program (OHRDP), and the associated "Best Practices". The…
Source : Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Link
Published: 2016
Topics: Harm reduction supplies, Harm reduction, Substance-specific resources
Stimulants d’ordonnance (Sommaire canadien sur la drogue)
Résume les données sur l’usage et le mésusage de stimulants d’ordonnance, notamment sur les méfaits et les effets, le statut juridique et l’accès au …
Source : Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l'usage de substancesFormat: PDF
Published: 2019
Topics: National data, Substance-specific resources