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Substance Use Patterns and Safer Supply Preferences Among People Who Use Drugs in British Columbia
This report presents the findings of a multiyear study which aimed to understand the needs and preferences of people who use drugs from the illegal m…
Source : BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Safe supply
Psychedelic Medicine: A Rapid Review of Therapeutic Applications and Implications for Future Research
The field of psychedelic-assisted therapy has a rapidly growing evidence base, providing patients, clinicians and health system leaders with promise …
Source : Harm Reduction International (HRI)Format: PDF
Published: 2022
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Implementing a public health approach to substance use
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Addressing the Invisible and Older Faces of Canada’s Opioid Crisis
As more attention is being paid to the opioid crisis in Canada, various responses have been launched in an attempt to curb some of these alarming tre…
Source : National Institute on AgeingFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Why people use substances, Population-specific resources
Politiques prometteuses pour réduire les méfaits de l’alcool
Background document
Ce document présente un survol des initiatives et des politiques porteuses en matière d'alcool choisies en fonction de critères précis, dont les suiv…
Source : Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ), Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance use policy, Substance-specific resources
Une première loi irlandaise de santé publique sur l’alcool : Une approche intersectorielle prometteuse
Fact sheet/infographic
L'Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP) est ravie de présenter une série de ressources très utiles élaborées par l'un de ses collaborateurs…
Source : Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ), Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Substance-specific resources, Implementing a public health approach to substance use, Substance use policy
Perspectives on a Public Health Approach | Findings from a National Survey & Tools for Future Work
CPHA’s Normalizing Conversations project launched a survey in 2021 to learn how Canadian public health, public safety, and health and social service …
Source : Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2023
Topics: Implementing a public health approach to substance use
Opioid Toxicity and Access to Treatment among Adolescents and Young Adults in Ontario
The drug toxicity crisis is a growing public health issue among adolescents and young adults. Opioid-related emergency department (ED) visits and dea…
Source : Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN), Public Health Ontario (PHO)Format: PDF
Published: 2023
Topics: Treatment and harm reduction, Population-specific resources
Legal approaches to new psychoactive substances: First empirical findings
Academic article
The potential and de facto positive and negative effects of generic drug legislation have been described using an analysis based on documented evalua…
Source : European Addiction ResearchFormat: Link
Published: 2023
Topics: Legalization and policy approaches, Legalization and regulation
Plan d’action : Prévenir les méfaits liés à la consommation de substances chez les jeunes par une approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire
Le Plan d’action donne aux communautés scolaires des conseils qui les aideront à réfléchir différemment quant à la consommation de substances chez…
Source : Agence de la santé publique du CanadaFormat: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Best practices and implementation, Upstream interventions, Harm reduction, Other approaches, Equity centered approaches
Québec Guide to Improving Practices in the Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
The Québec Guide to Improving Practices in the Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a publication of the Institut universitaire sur les dépenda…
Source : Équipe de soutien clinique et organisationnel en dépendance et itinérance (ESCODI), Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (IUD)Format: Link
Published: 2020
Topics: Best practices and guidelines, Best practices and implementation, Treatment and harm reduction