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Restricting Alcohol Advertising in Public Spaces: Four Approaches at a Glance
Fiche d’information/infographie
The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is delighted to showcase an invaluable suite of resources developed by one of our collaborators and par…
Source: Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ), Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Politique en matière d’usage de substances, Substances spécifiques
Understanding Regional Changes in Harm Reduction Services in Ontario Over the Covid-19 Pandemic
The following report describes findings from a Public Health Ontario funded Locally Driven Collaborative Project that described regional changes to h…
Source: Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN)Format: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Ressources proposées sur la COVID-19
Mental Health Structural Stigma in Healthcare eLearning Course
Module d’apprentissage en ligne
Those experiencing mental health and substance use (MHSU) concerns face stigma in every aspect of their lives. No matter the context, be it personal …
Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)Format: Lien
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Lutter contre la stigmatisation structurelle
How an emergency department is organized to provide opioid-specific harm reduction and facilitators and barriers to harm reduction implementation: a systems perspective
Article universitaire
The intersection of dual public health emergencies—the COVID-19 pandemic and the drug toxicity crisis—has led to an urgent need for acute care based …
Source: Harm Reduction JournalFormat: Lien
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Sites de consommation supervisée, Autres approches
Hear Us, See Us, Respect Us: Respecting the Expertise of People who Use Drugs
Above all, best practices for honouring and recognising the contributions of PWUD should always be driven by PWUD themselves. This report is a sum…
Source: Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs (CAPUD), Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC)Format: PDF
Publié : 2021
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Pratiques exemplaires et trousses d’outils de mobilisation, Déterminants de la santé, Planifier l’équité
Tips for Safer Drug Use and Safer Sex to Prevent Hepatitis C and HIV
This new collection of posters and pocket-sized resources shares key harm reduction information on health concerns for people who use drugs, includin…
Source: CATIEFormat: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Santé sexuelle
Quick Facts: Myths About Substance Use
Fiche d’information/infographie
This resource by Toronto Public Health outlines four central myths regarding substance use that contribute to substance use stigma.
Source: Toronto Public HealthFormat: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Raisons incitant les personnes à consommer des substances, Renseignements généraux
Overcoming Stigma Through Language: A Primer
Document de référence
Facilitates conversations and increases awareness of the stigma that surrounds people who use substances, their support networks, and service provide…
Source: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), CAPSAFormat: PDF
Publié : 2019
Sujets : Déterminants de la santé, Langage déstigmatisant
#StigmaEndsWithMe Videos
Real stories of experiences with stigma by people with lived and living experience of substance use.
Source: CAPSAFormat: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Témoignages et perspectives
Conversations of Substance with Guest Steve West
The Conversations of Substance podcast series asks difficult questions and suggests multiple answers to complex issues around people’s health with re…
Source: CAPSAFormat: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2022
Sujets : Approches stratégiques et de légalisation, Réduction de la stigmatisation, Réduction de la stigmatisation