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BCCDC Toolkit: Responding to Opioid Overdose for BC Service Providers
The opioid overdose response toolkit is intended for all service providers, including regulated and non-regulated service providers and paramedics, w…
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)Format: PDF
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Approches axées sur l’équité, Traitement et réduction des méfaits
"Taking Care of Each Other" Harm Reduction Video Series
FNHA and Vancouver Coastal Health worked with filmmaker Asia Youngman to create a video series about Indigenous Harm Reduction. These videos are a te…
Source: First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Format: Lien
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Renseignements généraux sur la réduction des méfaits, Populations spécifiques
Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Guideline Supplement
This document is intended to supplement the BCCSU Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder (“Guideline”) with an overview of care…
Source: British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Approches axées sur l’équité, Pratiques exemplaires et lignes directrices, Substances spécifiques, Populations spécifiques
Barriers to Legal Cannabis Access: The Emergence of Community Based Cannabis Distribution Programs in Vancouver, Canada
In this presentation, we looked more closely at how community based cannabis distribution programs influence access and feasibility of cannabis as a …
Source: Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2021
Sujets : Substances spécifiques, Réduction des méfaits, Approvisionnement sûr, Politique en matière d’usage de substances, Légalisation du cannabis

Drug Checking as a Harm Reduction Intervention
The present evidence review report provides a description and evaluation of existing drug-checking technologies and services in other countries with …
Source: British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: PDF
Publié : 2017
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Analyse de substances
Creating Space for Dialogue about Harm Reduction
Fiche d’information/infographie
This infographic provides background on harm reduction and outlines discussion questions for beginning a dialogue about harm reduction.
Source: Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR)Format: PDF
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Renseignements généraux sur la réduction des méfaits
Stopping the Harm: Decriminalization of People who use Drugs in BC
This Public Health Officer Special Report, written under the authority of the Public Health Act, provides an urgent recommendation to reduce the harm…
Source: Province of British Columbia - Office of the Provincial Health OfficerFormat: PDF
Publié : 2019
Sujets : Promotion de la santé, Décriminalisation
Peer Engagement Principles and Best Practices: A Guide for BC Health Authorities and Other Providers
Promoting peer engagement within Health Authorities can improve the involvement and uptake of peers' voices in health service planning and policymaki…
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)Format: PDF
Publié : 2017
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Pratiques exemplaires et trousses d’outils de mobilisation
Involuntary Stabilization Care of Youth Who Overdose: More Harm than Good (Part 2)
In February 2021, the Harm Reduction Nurses Association and CPHA presented a webinar on proposed amendments to British Columbia’s Mental Health Act t…
Source: Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)Format: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2021
Sujets : Populations spécifiques, Promotion de la santé, Politique en matière d’usage de substances

Report on the Harm Reduction Strategies and Services Peer Only Meeting
In July 2021, PEEP along with PWLLE representing communities from around BC gathered for a 4- hour long meeting to discuss the priorities of people w…
Source: Toward the HeartFormat: PDF
Publié : 2021
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Témoignages et perspectives, Promotion de la santé, Politique en matière d’usage de substances