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Toronto Public Health Community Dialogue on a Public Health Approach to Drug Policy: Report
How can we change our approach to drugs? What would a public health approach to drugs look like for Canada? Toronto Public Health undertook a communi…
Source: Toronto Public HealthFormat: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Renseignements généraux
Communicating about Substance Use in Compassionate, Safe and Non-Stigmatizing Ways
This resource can be used to facilitate reflection on and efforts to enhance language on substance use topics used by professionals and organizations…
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)Format: PDF
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Déterminants de la santé, Langage déstigmatisant
Act Now! Decriminalizing Drugs in Vancouver
This report recommends that non-federal orders of government implement decriminalization locally, by applying to the federal government for an exempt…
Source: Pivot Legal SocietyFormat: PDF
Publié : 2021
Sujets : Promotion de la santé, Décriminalisation
The Case for Heroin-Assisted Treatment in Canada
This report outlines the case for heroin-assisted treatment in Canada. Heroin-Assisted Treatment, or HAT, is a medical intervention that provides pre…
Source: Pivot Legal SocietyFormat: PDF
Publié : 2017
Sujets : Approches axées sur l’équité, Traitement et réduction des méfaits, Substances spécifiques
Police & Harm Reduction: How Law Enforcement can Advance Public Safety, Public Health, and Public Confidence
Globally, law enforcement officers have grown increasingly frustrated with the limited effectiveness of traditional drug enforcement approaches that …
Source: Open Society FoundationsFormat: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Pratiques exemplaires et mise en œuvre
Harm Reduction Equipment Best Practices - Part 2: Injection Drug Use Supplies and Best Practices
Learn about the equipment being distributed through the Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program (OHRDP), and the associated "Best Practices". The…
Source: Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Lien
Publié : 2016
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Matériel de réduction des méfaits
Drug Use and Harm Reduction During COVID-19
On Friday, May 8, 2020, EENet and the Ontario Harm Reduction Network presented a webinar titled, "Drug use and harm reduction during COVID-19." The o…
Source: Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Ressources proposées sur la COVID-19
Engaging People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) to Build Organizational Capacity
In this 90-minute recorded webinar, the Ontario Harm Reduction Network explores key principles and practical tips for the meaningful engagement of PW…
Source: Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Lien
Publié : 2020
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Pratiques exemplaires et trousses d’outils de mobilisation
Harm Reduction Equipment Best Practices - Part 1: Crack Smoking Supplies and Best Practices
Learn about the equipment being distributed through the Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program (OHRDP), and the associated "Best Practices". The…
Source: Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)Format: Lien
Publié : 2016
Sujets : Matériel de réduction des méfaits, Réduction des méfaits, Substances spécifiques
Let's Talk: Racism and Health Equity
The seventh release in our Let’s Talk series discusses racism as a critical factor that impacts health and wellbeing. It describes the concepts of ra…
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH)Format: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Déterminants de la santé, Lutte contre le racisme