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Canada's Lower Risk Recommendations for Cannabis Use & Psychosis (LRCUG-PSYCH)
Article universitaire
The Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Psychosis (LRCUG-PSYCH) are evidence-based recommendations for reducing psychosis-related risks when using…
Source: Didier Jutras-Aswad Research LaboratoryFormat: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Pratiques exemplaires et lignes directrices, Substances spécifiques
Trauma-Informed Facilitation
This session explains what trauma is, the impact it can have, and practical tools, tips, and strategies for trauma-informed facilitation. This sessi…
Source: BCcampusFormat: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2022
Sujets : Approches tenant compte des traumatismes et de la violence subis et interventions fondées sur le genre
Quick Facts: Myths About Substance Use
Fiche d’information/infographie
This resource by Toronto Public Health outlines four central myths regarding substance use that contribute to substance use stigma.
Source: Toronto Public HealthFormat: PDF
Publié : 2018
Sujets : Raisons incitant les personnes à consommer des substances, Renseignements généraux
Challenging Structural Substance Use Stigma Package | Online Delivery
Matériel de l’atelier
Communities and professionals across Canada identify stigma within the healthcare system, specifically structural stigma, as a key barrier to impleme…
Source: Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), CAPSAFormat: PDF
Publié : 2024
Sujets : Lutter contre la stigmatisation structurelle
Findings from the 2022 Harm Reduction Client Survey related to BC’s Decriminalization Policy
First administered in 2012, the Harm Reduction Client Survey (HRCS) is a periodic survey of people who use substances (PWUS) accessing harm reduction…
Source: British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Approches stratégiques et de légalisation, Décriminalisation
Understanding the Impact: Safer supply program models and nursing practice
This webinar, presented by the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario Mental Health and Substance Use Program, focuses on background information o…
Source: Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)Format: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Approvisionnement sûr
Imagine Safe Supply: Summary of Findings
Imagine Safe Supply is a community-based research project that explores ideas about participation in safe supply. Between January and June of 2021, t…
Source: Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC)Format: PDF
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Approvisionnement sûr
A Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder
In the context of the current public health emergency, the BC Centre on Substance Use has developed provincial evidence-based guidelines articulating…
Source: British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU)Format: Lien
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Pratiques exemplaires et mise en œuvre, Pratiques exemplaires et lignes directrices
Language and Stigma regarding substance use & people who use drugs
Join Mom's Stop the Harm for this webinar on the significance of language and stigma, why it matters, and how it impacts us and our loved ones who us…
Source: Mom's Stop The HarmFormat: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction de la stigmatisation, Langage déstigmatisant
Drug Prevention 101
Join Dr. Rebecca Haines-Saah for this webinar "Drug Prevention 101" to forget everything you think you know about teens and drug use. Dr. Haines-Saah…
Source: Mom's Stop The HarmFormat: Audiovisuel
Publié : 2023
Sujets : Réduction des méfaits, Populations spécifiques