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WHY SCS: Information About Supervised Consumption Services in Canada
WHY SCS is a website designed to help communicate the science behind supervised consumption sites. As a result of the national overdose emergency, C…
Source : Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM)Format: Link
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Supervised consumption sites
Soins de stabilisation forcés des jeunes qui font une surdose : plus de mal que de bien (partie 2) (en anglais)
En février 2021, l'Association des infirmiers et infirmières en réduction des méfaits et l'ACSP ont présenté un webinaire sur les modifications propo…
Source : Association canadienne de santé publiqueFormat: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Population-specific resources, Health promotion, Substance use policy
Health Equity Charter
Background document
The Health Equity Charter is a commitment to action by the Alliance for Healthier Communities and Alliance member organizations to recognize and conf…
Source : Alliance for Healthier CommunitiesFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Determinants of health, Planning for equity
Guidance on Communicating with the Public to Increase Knowledge of and Support for Harm Reduction and Treatment Policies and Programs for People Who Use Drugs
Effective communication strategies regarding harm reduction and treatment initiatives for people who use drugs (substances) are key to gaining public…
Source : Health CanadaFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction, Destigmatizing language
Cost Savings of Supervised Consumption Services
Fact sheet/infographic
Download a printable PDF infographic summarizing the cost savings of supervised consumption services.
Source : WHY SCSFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Supervised consumption sites
A Typical Visit: What happens at a Supervised Consumption Service?
Fact sheet/infographic
Download a printable PDF infographic summarizing a typical visit to an SCS.
Source : WHY SCSFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Supervised consumption sites
Taking Care: A Short Guide to Breastfeeding and Substance Use
Substance use is a part of many people’s lives. It can be recreational or medicinal, something that helps with stress or gives pleasure, or be a chal…
Source : Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (CEWH)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Legalization and policy approaches, Spectrum of substance use, Population-specific resources
Increase the Support. Reduce the Harm.
To help address some of the barriers to accessing culturally safe mental health and addiction treatment, and harm reduction services, the First Natio…
Source : First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Format: Audiovisual
Published: 2021
Topics: Stigma and stigma reduction, Stories and perspectives, Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction, Population-specific resources
What is Land-Based Treatment and Healing?
Fact sheet/infographic
This fact sheet describes land-based treatment and healing, includes a list of common guiding principles for land-based healing, shares examples of l…
Source : First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Format: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Equity centered approaches, Treatment and harm reduction, Population-specific resources
Harm Reduction Fact Sheet
Fact sheet/infographic
Harm reduction is a way of being that helps people (no matter what their choice is about drug and alcohol use) to reduce risks associated with substa…
Source : Thunderbird Partnership FoundationFormat: PDF
Published: 2021
Topics: Harm reduction, Background information on harm reduction, Population-specific resources